#22346 INCROYABLE! Ranch Home à vendre à Grenade Nicaragua @ $ 269, 000 USD

today guys i got a surprise for you we're gonna go and take a look to the
house with my friends daryl and bushnell they live in granada nicaragua let's go
and take a look to this beautiful country home what it looks like how many
bedrooms what is so special this place for
let's check it out together come on and subscribe to the channel let's go
so daryl where we are right now what's it what is this place called
we are in the neighborhood of los balcones
the balconies this place is also belong to the belongs
to the seat of granada and it's on the direction going to the laguna de apollo
we are north east from the city right right now it's from the city exactly so
you know i'm glad thank you very much because you know one of the things
people always want to want to see some houses they want to experience what is
the house look like and what you did with it how long has been built this
house run and things like that so please explain me before to put this property
on the market with all the description what can you tell me about this place
especially well number one we were the first here
so we uh recognized the beauty of the land
it was near granada and uh so we made a deal with the owner
and said well i'll buy the first lot out there if you
subdivide bring out electricity put in water a
well uh
and fix the roads
and he did all those things and we bought the first lot
and designed the house to build oh you were mentioned that lot is a
pretty good size it's about one and a half acre right something like that 1.2
acres 1.2 acres right okay water right
water electricity and what's funny is we have less outages out here of either
well water of course uh yep there's no problem since it's
well but electricity outages we have less than granada i have no idea why but
we do which is a plus yeah
so probably you have more water than the city itself you know
much much more reliable how about electricity people always questions
carlos can i bring electricity to my house in the country
if you're looking to buy a house in the mountains you know that's another
upside down from sometimes you know but you i can see you very i mean you have
everything here well that's that's the challenge if you
decide just buy some land
yeah bring electricity out to it and that's not going to be cheap but uh we
have an established neighborhood now we were first here we built the first house
now we have eight homes so all electricity is in place for this for
this neighborhood well you know talking about the neighborhood i can't see that
you have a very nice environment surrounded you know like uh
not too close so you have people from all over here you have canada united
states ones i mean it's a nice mix
yeah yeah it's uh we have good neighbors here which is
always very important no matter where you live
especially if you live in a home in granada but
we have very uh very good neighbors here and uh
which is which is good because neighbors affect your property of course
too you know if somebody starts a pig farm next to you that makes it a
little difficult yes
but uh yeah we have very very good neighbors here yeah i can tell and
everyone has fences so it's a very clean you know line in between one property
and in the next property which is something important now going back to
the house uh you were saying guys that you built this house from scratch
actually it's all made of brakes and steel
and obviously you have the famous baby sugar cane and the roof which is very
colonial features and also this place where we are right
now is where probably you spend more all the time this is the the social area of
the house this is where we live this is where we live when we're not sleeping
we're usually out here okay they're also we're gonna continue to look in the
house uh guys we're gonna go and walk through the place so you will see and
feel what these places look like i can tell the first impression like you said
the breeze [Musique]
[Musique] donc
okay guys i hope you enjoyed this episode it's been last you know thank
you amy and thank you darryl who showed me this place so if you're interested to
know more about this place we're gonna have it in this description click to the
bell subscribe to the channel and send me your questions if you have any any
doubt how can you buy this place how can they can make an offer so we're going to
be ready yup correct it's a turnkey deal all right turnkey deal guys see you the
next episode
[Musique] mission failed we'll come next time


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