#22370 Maison coloniale de luxe en vente à Grenade, Entretien en coulisses @ $ 405, 000 USD

[Musique] guys today is especially i promise you
to have a special guest today my friend ivan
you from italy and from originally from grew up in switzerland oh man
move to america move to america and then move down to nicaragua there you go
how many years already here nicaragua eight years wow
i came down to the hotel and then i stayed
well my friend ivans is the owner and the co-founder of one of the most
pristine hotel here in granada and nicaragua gonna live here there a link
where you can find these hotels of tribal
and uh you have like nine rooms seven seven okay well seven rooms
beautiful place i i have to say guys the work you’ve been doing there is amazing
but we won’t talk about the hotel today guys we’re going to talk about a special
new colonial and modern
building here in granada we are in nicaragua and you want say carlos i want
you to see and let’s go together to explore this amazing place is just
unbelievable thank you very much for for letting me do it so so how’s that happen
how do you get these ideas about all these beautiful features well it’s you
know first of all it’s like me and my business partners right we’re
like friends since we’re like young from switzerland so uh so we come
up with these ideas from different houses this is the third house of the
project the project’s gonna have ten at the end
so this one is called casa toledana because it was a little bit of the
concept of uh the convent of the convent of
toledo toledo in spain oh okay we like the way it look is arches and you know
it’s like it looks like it has history just by looking at the the huge amount
of arches i can tell so we we kind of like took that concept and then we uh we
took it towards the concept that we built everything so far that we’ve done
is the colonial concept where everything is inside you you pass the door and
there is no windows anymore for the outside everything is built from the
inside towards the inside yeah that’s one of the thing about the granada’s
homes you know when you first come here people always say call us what
about those amazing center courtyard or central gardens where basically you
don’t need to have windows outside and that’s why you replicate here you you
replicate like a combination of influence obviously you know morocco’s
and and turkey obviously the colonial homes it’s a representation that’s the
basic yeah the basic you know of the construction because we draw the the
plane of the house and everything the basic is column
and then there is a you know the riyadh you know the moroccan react you know
comes in in the picture as well but it’s the same concept
is there is a door and then everything else is no longer in cut in contact with
the exterior everything is inside the inside
um obviously you when you came here first
one of your first target was to see how to probably retire or to invest in this
country so what will be your uh i mean your your
tips to the buyers when you come to look at places like this when you were doing
this you were thinking for a specific profile of customers
well yeah actually we uh
we were looking for people that are you know are still active not people that
are just gonna maybe come and you know and sit down but are still active and
and want to do active things uh it has to be for certain people that you know
can recognize the degree of decor that it’s put in the
house because we design everything you know the fact that
the fabrics have all in but everything else is designed down to the tiles and
everything so you know there is a factor in there if somebody just want to buy a
regular house yes maybe that’s maybe not the one you know that would be for them
exactly and then you know in the retiring type of section we always put a
master bedroom downstairs now wow you know
after like the first two houses that we did we decided we’re gonna start putting
the master bedroom and says because the people think okay it’s really nice but
there’s a lot of stairs yeah so maybe in the future if i’m going to be older i
don’t want to go sleep upstairs every day and do these huge stairs which is
right behind me yeah yeah exactly i mean it’s like me you know i’m getting the
point that where my one of my knees is not doing that well and
of course you know you do if you do exercise you have an accident back when
you were younger and obviously always to have the master suite and the first
floor is a good place yeah that was something that we talked about
um what can you tell me about that a beautiful design of the swimming pool
and i was walking on it it’s about nine meters by four meters yeah wow exactly
it’s where is that coming from with those
floating uh lunch uh well we wanted to give like the pool a more important uh
place than the other two houses with it so that’s why we extended the pool in
order to to put the daybeds inside of the pool instead of putting on the side
which we have one on the side yeah but we wanted to do that because here the
first thing is you can spend a lot of time in your pool a lot of time in your
garden but it’s very hot true so you want to try to like catch as much of the
cool you can and that’s where number one the pool comes in being in the middle of
your house it keeps a lot of the cool air
and then the greenery uh you know keeps the the other you know cool air you know
inside the house when in the daytime everything is so hot outside and you can
tell when you come from the outside to the inside which is still outside there
is a difference of temperature it’s cooler in here true and you know i can
tell guys when you are doing what ivan did um i can tell that he paid attention
to how to face the house the open yard or the you know inside
outdoors catching the grease from the lake and you can tell immediately when
you open that door and you walk around the courtyard or the pool the breeze is
here you know and the high ceiling that’s that’s one of the key and also
you paid a lot of attention to the local materials like mimbre the wood
but you put some kind of ethnic elements here we like to mix we like to
mix everything you know this house here has a lot more mix of mid-century modern
looks you know here and there touches um we’ll see later like the you know the
part where the sofa is and stuff it’s that’s based on a mid-century modern
look which jean-marie my business partner uh designed himself that whole
side his head and um and uh we tried to mix a little bit of everything uh on
this one we tried to be less ethnic that we were on the other two
houses but uh but there is a lot of mix anyway
and we try to always keep as much as possible the local er
artisans you know that very uh honestly they’re amazing these people that know
how to do a lot of amazing things wow but they don’t very often go too far
doing it they need for somebody to get there with the design and say do this
and we know very well they can do it like you know like the the the table we
were sitting on there the guy didn’t want to do those legs because he thought
it was way too much compared to the table but when he did it
he was kind of impressed that you know there was something very interesting
about it exactly i mean one of the good things about when you have different
sources of influence and i’m sure that what you’re doing also good for our
artisan people because they can say hey why not yeah we can we can try
and also i noticed the very you know simplicity of uh song lines here like
the kitchen for example i like the size of the kitchen and on purpose you do it
on black and white and the concrete island because you reduce a lot of the
maintenance of it yeah and that’s excellent idea
so that class all the rooms you have you
have how many rooms you have yeah here we have four bedrooms all of them are
king-size beds so they’re large bedrooms all of them with their own bathrooms and
then there is like a half bath done here you know for the for the guests to use
it so they don’t have to go use the bathrooms
in the bedrooms obviously yeah and then there is you know upstairs there will be
there is actually a second living room and we’ve been basing this one a lot on
people working from here because now with the situation with the covet a lot
of people are actually moving around and work from home so we try to give as many
nooks and crannies as possible where people can several people in this house
can work and not be disturbed by the other person so there is different
places to sit and be there with your computer your laptop
and do and do your work and all of them are outside there’s like two or three
spaces upstairs there is space that can be added a little less can be added here
and there without absolutely destroying the decor it will totally go with it wow
so basically guys also with this new uh head of the kobe after kobe
you have had a lot of travelers looking that special
spot or that special home that can have enough space but also those on beyond
that make it feel comfortable and now you notice that you have only one living
area you have two living areas yes the main living area actually wow and the
size of it yeah what about uh you know when i noticed one of the first uh focus
point that i here saw on the first floor because this is a two-floor building
and it’s the swimming pool area obviously it’s beautiful it’s amazing
with the garden you have your own banana here that’s cool that’s really
cool then you have the other living area with that ethnic atmosphere with the
wood on the wall and those niches there how that inspiration is coming from
well the niches you know those uh those uh artworks that are in the niches are
inspired from like african artifacts you know obviously so they look a little
african yeah and then the living room the round living room was like i said
inspired from like a mid-century modern type of architecture because they used
to do a lot of rounds i was a little against it when when
jeremiah grew it up and and designers like i’m not sure if it’s going to fit
in there but once you know they started building it which you know it’s a lot of
work i mean we think that hey doing something wrong is not that much when it
is actually have to round up everything and make sure that you know it fits
perfectly [Musique]
i’m very happy to see that you pay attention to many details like the tita
that you have there with those uh ethnic african uh drawings but it’s definitely
a nicaraguan that’s like yeah that’s a mix and that’s
that’s how like you know we mix things it’s like you know that’s the classical
tyranna which older kids use here yes usually to to shoot slingshots
for those one that doesn’t know what the theta is but that’s the version of
nicaraguan and all the plants it’s not hard to grow
here because the tropical weather no but it’s hard to when you mix plants of
different uh need of water so it can be tricky because uh you know if you put
like the cactus near a banana tree one of them is gonna die yeah because one
needs a lot of water the other one doesn’t so you know we tried to do this
like this but we had like uh we had like an amazing like experience like with the
plants like you know in the other houses and and when we started it’s like you
know it was always a disaster because we try to plant when it’s rainy season yes
so usually we plant in the middle of mud and it’s a disaster everywhere i belong
but now everything looks really nice it is and yeah you don’t see you know what
we went through to put it together exactly the plants are huge a huge
addition to the houses all of them including the road that gets to the
houses is completely covered in banana trees um one of the big classes
in my opinion is when you design a house is also
to have your own parking space in granada guys when you are looking to buy
a property here probably you found the same problem is where can i park my car
yeah and especially when you are renting a car where can i leave it you know i
mean you don’t supposedly leave it outside
and that’s one of the thing i noticed that you walk through or you drive
through the main gate here this is a gated gated community
but then you have your own parking space yeah each house has one parking space
that is for the house and then of course when house is gonna
you know gonna have guests and stuff then there is like you know parking that
are available to uh for the night or like by the day right right here that
they can find the extra cars there but for your own car you have like a space
right in front of your house how far we are from the center right now a block
two blocks and a half like two blocks because they’re very small so we’re very
very close to the center uh and that’s what makes it safe to get there to like
asada to have dinner and something but that’s why we bought this property
because when we found it it was one of the last property in the center of town
that was a foreground that it was like empty
uh so you know and it was higher than anything else
down here down here so we like like like you said the breeze from the lake that
you can get here beautiful and you know it was higher so there is no like
flooding or any type of these type of problems can occur around here and then
uh and you’re close to everything true she’s great okay guys i really enjoyed
this interview thank you very much always a pleasure really really if
you’re really looking to buy property like this from even we’re gonna leave in
the description below all the links or contact information where you can call
me directly send me a whatsapp and i’m gonna introduce even it’s gonna be very
happy to walk through you this amazing place it’s one and very unique concept
because they’re not another one like this right absolutely absolutely there
is not a single thing in here that has to double up exactly the one piece is
the one thing so don’t forget subscribe to the channel give me those like and
don’t forget next episode next adventure here in carlos advisor production thank
you very much thank you [Musique]

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