#22435 DISPONIBLE! Maison de campagne à vendre au Nicaragua @ $ 345, 000 USD

okay six bedrooms four and a half bathrooms
almost two or three acres of land and a beautiful landscaping surrounded this
country house located just a few minutes away from the city of Granada in
Nicaragua thank you guys for watching today I’m gonna enjoy to walk through
together to see this beautiful property that is going to be available very soon
in all my websites Instagrams and YouTube channel so check this place out
car c'est vraiment très prometteur [Musique]
étranger [Musique]
so probably my director said go ahead and feel right now
it is just behind the camera right now thank you my friend so guys don’t don’t
go away baby you see I’m here with the owner of this
house so he’s letting me show the new place is amazing look at the colors he
did a great job changing everything so you know what the kitchen is probably
one of the poor the part of the houses that people love to see first this is
where you’re gonna get your breakfast and an excellent coffee and you know
what look at the size of it you have three chairs so probably you can put
milk more then there is another section that I love a lot to see is here check
you have two nice Windows look in the Landscaping inside the house two chairs
at the perfect lamps right in the middle That’s What I Call decoration somebody’s
les téléphones portables sonnent en ce moment chat
bedrooms share one bathroom right in the middle but first I want you to look at
the room inside one of the things I like it’s how they fit everything’s just
perfect you have the closet wood doors but the frame is made of concrete and
then the mattress is a twin mattress space for your desk especially if your
kids want to still going to school there you go you have two windows with a
French door style overlooking the landscaping and the Beautiful Garden
behind where you have a lot of fruit trees high ceiling
couleur claire pour qu'il soit frais et frais et jetons maintenant un coup d'œil au
salle de bain qui est une salle de bain classique avec carrelage et une petite salle de douche haute
ceiling but something that is a different thing here check this place
it’s how they insert a mirror and frame it with the same tile it’s kind of uh
you know like a soft color High doors made of real wood that skips
quality that’s very important guy when you build a house keep attention and pay
attention aux détails et maintenant l'autre pièce ici, évidemment, vous pouvez voir
the honor has one kit so he has a lot of room here for his toys desk another bed
again the same kind of a closet and two windows with a nice airflow coming in so
your kid’s gonna be very pleasant they’re gonna enjoy it especially
because they’re going to have enough privacy
I was expecting a bigger size and definitely it is and they have a private
Terrasse donnant directement sur le jardin avec porte principale à droite
il y a une autre fenêtre et vérifiez que cet endroit a beaucoup de place, ce qui est parfait
if you love to have a snow room here this is it air conditioning ceiling fan
huge king size mattress and back here you have the master bathrooms with a
walk-in closet that we’re going to look into it in a few seconds another window
over here facing on the inside Garden that keep a cross ventilation into this
room so you’re gonna feel comfortable and very cool and fresh
d'accord [Musique]
roomy definitely double sink this is made of Cedro real
really good huge amiro and your walk-in closet right here
perfect one and two so you always gonna have your stuff in your private uh you
know sections which is great for her or for him if you have a big family a small
family this house fits excellent well foreign
[Musique] maison qui est en fait des gens parfaits
love to have their own garden inside the house which is clever because that keeps
airflow inside and rephrase the entire wet I mean I’m beyond in the climate now
this is a door that will connect to you with your own private office
jetez un œil, c'est un endroit parfait surtout si vous travaillez à distance
Internet est là, donc ce n'est pas un problème, il dispose également d'une climatisation et d'un
plus près de l'endroit où vous pouvez savoir si tout ce que vous avez s'adapte, donc c'est excellent
alors si tu continues à marcher ici, viens
that’s one of the other rooms that I was telling you about also with the private
bathrooms and a closet so check it out take a peek
there you go boom yes you know what the windows it’s
something else that really I like about this place because that keep in
consideration that you live in a tropical country this is excellent idea
because you feel cool and fresh right here closet air conditioning in a full
equipped bathrooms with a shower and everything in it using the same concept
and color the mattress is probably a um a twin but you can easily fit a
king-size batteries here no problem then walking right here we have the other
section where you have the laundry and as you know in Nicaragua
this is something that you need to do some exercise and wash your clothes yes
but don’t worry if you like to have washer machine the right machine the
electricity system of this house it’s set up so you can easily fit any of
ces équipements 220 voltage boom and one more thing the honor of this place
install a solar panel so you can definitely reduce the cost of the energy
that’s great because the weather in Nicaragua is two seasons rainy season
et saison sèche
[Musique] tu sais de quoi je parlais au propriétaire
of this house and say Carlos you have to check it out the main tourists I have
and it was right I love it because you can see from here the massive
plantations of mango trees you have a lot of mango trees and these excellent
garden furniture made of Laurel which is another hard word that we produce in
[Musique] vous savez ce qui a vraiment créé un
beautiful tropical garden here abundance of fruit trees mangoes papayas melon
cotton anything you need is just here quiet
tranquil and peaceful location wise not too far away from convenience store like
supermarkets from Granada if you need to go quickly to the airport or Managua
c'est seulement 45 minutes easy foreign
[Musique] merci les gars d'avoir regardé cet épisode
today it’s very very fun my telephone number and my email if you’re ready to
say Carlos can you tell me more about that property don’t forget call me and I
can tell you exactly how

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