#22481 NEW! Oceanview Lots for Sale at Remanso Beach |Lots for sale in Rivas Nicaragua @ $95,000 доллар США

[Музыка] welcome back to another episode this is
carlo gutierrez advisor today i have a great surprise for you guys especially
if you love to surf you like ocean view properties and you’ll be thinking how
can i buy a lot with an amazing ocean view close to someone’s steward only 10
minutes away water and power at the same time today i want you to see with me
these beautiful options this is a great offer 1 000 square meter a quarter of an
acre for a great deal with that amazing
[Музыка] так
[Музыка] [Аплодисменты]
[Музыка] that’s what i’m talking about that’s
what a great ocean view is this place is called playa remanza or
rimanso beach is well known because a lot of surfers love to go to the ocean
side and they have a private bay where if you are a beginner that’s a great
spot to start with also sun experts can also enjoy the waves over there because
they love how the wind hits the shore this is a love place it’s a paradise for
surfers also it’s a great location if you’re looking to build a beautiful two
or three bedrooms homes with an infinity pool with that amazing view
roads power
and water is in this place ready to go so take a look how beautiful all these
hills are and how close is to rimanso beach it’s only probably five or six
minutes away if you want to go back to the city no more than 10 или 12 minutes
away driving very easy check this out [Музыка]
one of the main point about when you are ready to buy a property close to the
ocean it’s the amenities you want to be sure that you have everything in place
clear title water power and roads are the important
points that you need to think about before to buy a property every time i’m
looking around and checking what kind of property can offer to my friends and
customers i pay attention to those details but this one here for example
you can tell a beautiful rolling hills gentle slopes that allow you to build
with not a lot of money that’s also is very important and this section here is
in my opinion one of the best way you can catch that kind of view the breeze
is unbelievable the sunset here is a very pleasant place to be and it’s not
too far away where you need to go to a restaurant or to the main city if you’re
ready to go and want to make an offer i can give you everything all the
description of this video below and you can contact me

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