#22495 Maison coloniale PARFAITE à Granada Nicaragua | Maison coloniale à vendre à Grenade @ $385,000

Welcome guys to another episode today I have a new listing in this case and
you’re gonna find a beautiful home that is over 3 000 square feet Yes walking
distance from La Plaza probably no more than three blocks only you have a
beautiful combination of a open concept with the classic design of the colonial
home so let’s continue and tour this beautiful home that is ready to go let’s
aller [Musique]
this is definitely definitely guys different kind of kitchen you can see
they are using the space as much as possible but leave something very
basic and at the same time need you don’t need to do too much to have enough
actually here you can complete this kitchen with your own style and at the
same time you can transfer you can make that transition between the kitchen and
the swimming pool area with a beautiful Open Garden like that
[Musique] merci
this is a section of the rooms how many rooms do we have here we have one two
three and four really really good rooms and then we have a half bathroom right
here something else that also goes with the property is the fact that there is a
huge garage is really glass it’s a huge plus many of
these houses were not designed for a garage they were built in the 15 et
1600 so when you find a property that was designed with a garage in it I can
tell you right away that’s a huge additional feature
if you say Carlos I’m ready to learn more about that house I want to buy a
house like that in Granada here you are my telephone number in my email I’m
gonna explain to you step by step how you can make the reservation how can you
like the deal and get this property for you especially if you’re looking
something to invest for your future thank you very much for watching see you
dans la prochaine aventure [Musique]

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