#22505 YOUR NEW RETIREMENT HOME could be built on this lot near Huehuete Beach, Nicaragua @ $190,000

welcome back to another episode we have a new property that is just just came
out to the market it’s about one mansana which is 1.73 Acres walking distance to
the beach actually I am in Hue Beach Nicaragua 28 kilometers from biramba one
hour and 20 minutes from an hour
[Muziek] Bedankt
look at this this is um the land that I’m talking about guys that has Sun
curves and lines this is where the water runs and it goes straight to another to
a river actually what I like about this property is the potential of having
cabins in different Hills and it’s quiet and I can hear the waves from the ocean
right here
Bedankt [Muziek]
so let’s go and see what it’s like the rest of the land
and you can tell that it’s easy to build on and because and next to this Main
Road this road connects to other private properties that also is important to say
this is a clear title so it doesn’t matter if you’re from Canada United
States Europe Central America you can use your passport and you can purchase
this property with no problems and you can put it in your name that’s is a big
questions people always like to say Carlos cannot put in my name
perfect for your home especially on the top it’s not too high it’s not too low
you can have a two or three bedrooms you can build with a swimming pool Leica a
Palapa or something more similar like the tropical home from Indonesia perfect
for the environment private and quiet close to wawete it makes a big
difference because if you need to go and buy food something to drink it’s right
there five minutes only
foreign thank you guys for watching this video today if you’ve been searching the
Rye land for you close to the beach for a good price here you are my telephone
number and my email very soon we’re going to see this property and all my
social media and don’t forget give me those likes subscribe to the Channel I
want to see you to the next in the next adventure
Bedankt [Muziek]

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